Annual Dry Stone Wall Workshop – Final one – August 25/ 26th 2018 

Presented by Friends of Ferris and Dry Stone Canada

DSW Workshop 2018 – our 10th Anniversary of dry stone walling

Dry Stone Canada, in conjunction with the Friends of Ferris Park, ran another successful walling workshop at Ferris Provincial Park near Campbellford Ontario. It was the 10th year Friends of Ferris has hosted Dry Stone Canada over the weekend and participants learn about the network of stone walls, easily four kms long and at least a hundred years old, that crisscross this area of beautiful rolling farmland and is an important feature of this property, which now is a stately 200 hectare provincial park.

Photo courtesy of DSWA

Over the weekend, participants and volunteers enjoyed a hands-on introduction to beginner’s dry stone wall course led by John Scott.

2018 was the final year for the Dry Stone wall workshop.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so please view our latest workshop video.

Check out our other Dry Stone Wall videos at our YouTube channel