The Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridges is managed by the Municipality of Trent Hills.
Ferris Provincial Park is proud to welcome you to one of Northumberland’s attraction.
This great, family-oriented, natural adventure hovers 30 feet above the Ranney Gorge just south of the falls. As you walk across this great expanse your heart pounds as you feel it sway slightly below your feet.
Looking down you can see the water rushing by but to the north you see one of natures gifts, the Ranney Falls in all its glory. To the south you can see the Trent River and the boats as they enter the locks to come into Campbellford.
The beauty of this adventurous journey will change with the seasons. Located right beside locks 11 & 12 at the south end of Campbellford, the Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridge is on the Trans Canada Trail and within easy walking distance from the locks and into downtown Campbellford.
When coming to the Suspension bridge, please enter through Ferris Park main gate.

On exploring the Park, The Rotarians had a dream of a Suspension Bridge across the Gorge like the Capilano Bridge in British Columbia. This idea was presented to the Rotarians and Fifty Thousand was committed to the Suspension Bridge Fund. The idea of the Suspension Bridge was then presented to The Main Street Program and with their approval; plans for building the bridge began with many, many meetings with various Partners. When the Main Street Program ended and there was no other funding except for Rotarian commitment it was put on hold. With the availability of Rural Job Funding through Trent Hills River Country the plans for the Suspension Bridge were resumed especially with the added bonus of Super Build initiative funding. When the Engineers from 8th Wing CFB Trenton decided they would actually build the Bridge for the Rotarians as a Military exercise, quickly all partners came on board and the bridge became a reality.
The Grand opening and dedication of the Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridge is Wednesday June 23/04 at 10:00 am. For this special event, no admission fee into Ferris Provincial Park for those attending the Ceremonies.
round for this huge undertaking was first broke on Sept. 3, 2002.

In attendance both Federal and Provincial Government Personnel, Trent Hills Council and their employees, Department of National Defence, Members from the Rotary Club, Parks Canada, Ontario Provincial Parks, Trent Severn Waterway, Lower Trent Conservation, Ontario Power Generation, Ontario Hydro, G. D. Jewell Engineering and many other Community Partners like Trent Hills and District Chamber of Commerce, B. I.A. of Campbellford and Trent Hills Economic Development Committee. The 8th Wing Military CFB Trenton Engineers completed their assignment on Dec. 18, 2003. Without their commitment this grand Tourist attraction would not have been possible.

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